PinnedPublished inThe StartupHow I Made $10,000 in October FreelancingWithout selling courses or doing the blogging grind.Nov 8, 201959Nov 8, 201959
Having A Chronic Illness Taught Me To Love My BodyI’m chubby, almost 40, and finally happy with my body. It didn’t change — I did.4d ago4d ago
Make More Money: Marketing Isn’t a Dirty WordThe people and businesses who need you the most don’t know who you are yet.Jan 201Jan 201
A Stumble on the Road of Living with a Chronic IllnessOh yeah, chronic means it comes back…Dec 6, 2024Dec 6, 2024
There’s no such thing as a true dream jobI don’t know how many people need to hear this, but I know I did at one point:Oct 22, 20241Oct 22, 20241
Published inMr. Plan ₿ PublicationA New Yorker in Florida for Hurricane MiltonI have lived in New York City for almost 15 years. I moved to NYC on a whim at 23. I wanted to live there, I was young, so I moved.Oct 14, 2024Oct 14, 2024
No Justification For Ignorance or IncompetenceWith the knowledge of the world available, some still choose to remain ignorant.Aug 21, 20241Aug 21, 20241