You Don’t Have To Turn Every Hobby Into A Job or Side Hustle

It’s great to have a creative outlet or hobby you just enjoy!

Jyssica Schwartz
5 min readJun 8, 2021

It seems like every piece of advice online these days are all about “take what you love and make it your job!” and “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life!” and “side gigs are the new career!”

It’s true in one sense. If you like your job, it is still work…but it feels less terrible. You don’t dread getting up on a workday and you don’t hate what you’re doing all day long.

And that’s wonderful.

But unlike the prevailing advice out there, you do NOT have to turn anything and everything you love into a paying side hustle or full-time job.

If you enjoy painting or making earrings just for fun but don’t WANT the hustle of starting a business and making them all the time, that’s fine!

If you like writing now and then and do it for fun and post on your blog but don’t want to make it a career, that’s cool!

If you like updating your personal website and are good at it but don’t want to be a website developer as a job, that’s A-OK!

I think sometimes these…



Jyssica Schwartz

Manging editor. entrepreneur, writer, editor, cat lover, weirdo, optimist. Author of “Write. Get Paid. Repeat.” & “Concept to Conclusion.”